Thursday, May 21, 2015

Paleo Plans

About 2 years ago when I was trying to figure out my health issues, I learned about the Paleo diet from a Natural Family Planning Facebook Group. I tried it out for about 6 months and had great  results. I lost weight, had more energy, and just felt better overall. I gave up on the diet as life got hectic and we moved a few times. Now we are going back to this lifestyle. (When I say diet for the rest of this entry, I mean way of eating not a temporary weight loss tool.)Why? Well, there are a number of reasons.
Obviously the health benefits are first and foremost. When we eat processed foods we are eating a diet full of chemicals and lacking in the vital nutrients our bodies need. Many of the chemicals in processed foods are phytoestrogens. This means they act like estrogen in your body and drive your estrogen levels up. If you are someone that needs more estrogen this could seem helpful, but it impairs your body in the long run. For someone like me who has more than enough estrogen, the effects are ruinous upon our systems. When we lack vital nutrients from our diet, we cannot run body processes correctly. How can your body create the correct level of hormones if it doesn't have the necessary building blocks? A whole foods based diet like Whole 30 or Paleo ensures that we are getting those vital nutrients without any fillers or chemical products mixed in. If you can afford to eat organically, that will be even better.
Weight loss is another reason that I am returning to this diet. When your diet does not have the proper nutrients, it begins to believe it is starving and acts as such. It builds up fat stores to protect it in the time of famine. This means that no matter how much you exercise, it will be difficult to lose weight. Once your body starts receiving the nutrients and hydration that it needs, it will begin to shed those unneeded fat stores. I have experienced great success with weight loss eating Paleo before and am excited about what I will see as I turn down this road again.
Finally, energy and vitality mean a lot to me as I begin to run a side business on top of my hectic schedule. When I eat clean and get the nutrients my body needs, I have plenty of energy to get through the day. I have no need for a nap or a cup of coffee to pick me up.
If you have never heard of the Paleo diet before, you are probably wondering what it is. Well, it is a whole foods based diet. It eliminates dairy and grains. Some forms of the paleo diet also remove citrus, tomatoes, peppers, eggs, and nuts. It is a diet often used for individuals with autoimmune diseases and can be helpful for children with Autism and ADHD/ADD. When I explained this diet to my mom, her first question was "Well then what do you eat?" This was my question at first too, but I honestly ate better on this diet than I did off. It forced me to try new foods, many of which I found I liked. It also forced me to learn delicious new recipes. The food includes soups, salads, stir frys, steak, burgers. The only limit to the food is your imagination.
I am very excited to start back on this journey. If you would like more information about this diet, I highly recommend
These websites: - gives tons of great paleo recipes - family blog about eating paleo (also recently started a podcast)
These books:
The Paleo Approach and The Paleo Approach Cookbook by Sarah Ballantyne (also has a podcast and Facebook group)
Beyond Bacon: Paleo recipes that respect the whole hog by Matthew McCarry
Well Fed and Well Fed 2 by Melissa Joulwan
The Frugal Paleo Cookbook by Ciarra Hannah
The Paleo Diet and The Paleo Diet Cookbook by Loren Cordain

What does your diet look like? Have you ever considered eating paleo before?

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